United States / Federal Government Links:
- Administration on Aging (AOA) – An agency of the U.S Department of Health and Human Services that provides services designed to enhance the independence of the elderly. They facilitate the availability of caregivers and nutritional programs as well as efforts to support aging in place.
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services – a great range of information on these two federal programs that provide for the expenses of care for the elderly and disabled.
- Veterans Benefits Administration – Information on the benefits and services available to veterans and their families from the federal government.
- The Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer
- State and Local Consumer Agencies in North Carolina
- Social Security Administration – The Social Security Administration manages support payments to the disabled and elderly and their dependents and survivors, Medicare medical insurance, and certain benefits for veterans. The basic rules for ABLE accounts are set out in the SSA rules , although you will need to look at each state for rules implementing the program in the individual state.

North Carolina / State Government Links:
- NC DHHS: Aging and Adult Services – Directories of services in NC for the aging – home care, housing and home repair, nutrition, legal assistance, and many others; you can find information here on Medicaid and Special Assistance
- Seniors’ Health Insurance Information Program (NC Department of Insurance) – A resource for basic information on Medicare programs
- NC Department of Military & Veterans Affairs – This agency can assist with inquiries about eligibility for various veterans benefits; health care, burial procedures, obtaining documentation of military records
- NCDOJ Consumer Protection Division – The North Carolina Attorney General has information on various consumer scams, suggestions for being a smart consumer, and a way to file a complaint for victims of scams and bad trade practices.
- Wake County Veterans Affairs – (919) 212-8387 – A County resource that provides Application Assistance for Veterans who need help applying for various benefits.
- REAL ID in North Carolina – Information on the documentation and procedures to obtain a “Real ID” drivers license.

Private Resources:
- Resources for Seniors – A nonprofit clearinghouse of many services that help the elderly
- NC PACE (Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly) – A program to provide day care, health care, and other services to eligible elders
- Council on Aging – Wake County services and resources for helping improve the lives of the elderly.
- NAELA (Nat. Assn. of Elder Law Attorneys) – Attorneys servicing the elderly; a good resource for finding an expert in another city or state.
- National Council on Aging – A resource to find services for the elderly and their caregivers
- National Aging in Place Council – Resources for staying at home despite failing capacity